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‘The time period from the last major contact of the moon with some planet in current
sign to the time when it enters the next sign is called as void of course moon.’
It is usually abbreviated as VOC.
The aspect of the moon with some planet induces a pattern of events that have influence
on the lives. When moon has finished its contact with a planet, the influence on
that planet finishes and new event will take place only when moon influences a new
Events depend on moon aspects
It is an old saying regarding moon studies that; ‘no aspects, no events’. According
to traditional astrology rules, moon can have only some significance until it makes
some aspect with that planet and once the aspect is finished, the impact automatically
ends too. The upcoming events can be determined by deeply studying the aspect of
moon with a planet, house of moon, house of planet and the position set by the sign.
If there are no more aspects after one aspect has ended, there are no more events
to expect from influence of moon.
Benefits of void of course moon (VOC)
The benefits of the void of course moon period can be enjoyed by all of us. This
period usually indicates the time to relax you. Take a break from busy routine work
and feel the freedom of your life. This period is for relaxing, listening to some
good music, catching up with family, hanging out with friends, reading some light
and enjoyable literature and the work that entertains you without requiring much
Psychological influences of VOC:
The voc period usually disrupts the focus that is required for technical works.
It has the properties of inconsistency, floating in space somewhere among he hoard
of asteroids and rings of Saturn. This is not a good time for some profoundly focusing
work but this is a great time for spiritual people to concentrate on their spirituality
and get the answers to unanswered questions. This time endorses the spiritual element
in the body.
Things to avoid during this time:
These periods are very unfavorable for the tasks that are expected to give some
good outcome. So don’t try some very big project during these days. Sending your
job CV, doing some important fax, applying for a contest, getting married, seeking
proposals, requiring favours, starting some business, opening some shop and buying
precious and costly things is not recommended during his time. There is simple rule
to avoid the important matters during this period to avoid the unpleasant results
that may turn out to be only loss. This is usually a not happening period, suitable
for the things you want to be happened like if you suspect a quarrel on visiting
someone, do it during this time as it is assumed that it will not happen. In short,
don’t make serious efforts to have great benefits during void of course moon.
Technical Details of VOC:
These periods occur each 2 days and a half, which is that the average time of the
Moon's passing through a symbol. They last sometimes a handful of hours, the vary
being from a couple of minutes to even the complete 2 days and a half amount, once
the Moon makes no major aspects to different planets from its current pseudoscience
The void of course Moon amount is merely interrupted by Moon's aspects to the a
part of Fortune (Pars Fortunae), a virtual purpose calculated by the formula Ascendant+Moon-Sun
throughout the day (from sunrise to sunset) and Ascendant+Sun-Moon throughout the
night (from sunset to sunrise). These transitory aspects last sometimes a couple
of tens of minutes and are "astrologer's honor saviors", as they permit choosing
an honest moment for a consumer to perform associate action, throughout an otherwise
negative amount for action. Of course, this is applicable to the positive aspects
of the Moon to the part of Fortune (conjunction, sextile and trine).
William Lilly, a most acknowledged medieval predictor, aforesaid that once the Moon
is void of course in Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, it "performs somehow",
that's once the Moon presently occupies a symbol wherever a beneficent planet (Venus
or Jupiter) is exalted or ruler, it will cause a positive outcome in chosen cases.
In order to follow the Moon phases you must take a look at
Deluxe Moon Pro for iOS. This software is designed for iOS. Using this software
is very easy and also the application has many hidden fun and attractions. You can
look into past and future phases of the Moon.
Deluxe Moon for Android can be found here:
Deluxe Moon for Android