

...with DeluxeMoon, you can have it all, from the technical data to the astrological suppositions – I can track both the moon phases and how it possibly affects my moods. It appeals to both sides of my brain, and for that, this app is already a winner. On top of that, it features absolutely gorgeous realistic graphics and a great design... I love that even with all the technical jargon, the developers don’t assume that you already know what they’re talking about and have helpful guides posted throughout to ease you into this wonderful, mysterious world.

...Deluxe Moon is one of the most beautiful and baffling apps I’ve ever installed. ...it is overall a fantastic app: it covers one topic and covers it in-depth, the presentation is gorgeous and elegant... if you’re looking for a lunar astrology app, Deluxe Moon should definitely be at the top of your list. It’s stable, attractive, and contains a deep treasure-trove of Moon data that you would probably take you triple the time to look up on a standard website.

...We’ve all heard the expression “must be a full moon tonight” to describe strange occurrences, but have we ever stopped to think how much the involvement the moon really has in everyday things like emotions, relationships, plants, animals, and health? Moon Deluxe helps you uncover the mysteries of the moon and its ties to life on earth.

...Deluxe Moon is a really interesting and very complete application for people interested in the phases of the moon.

...This app is really well designed to get moon to your hands. I think it is the intention of the developers to give all moon related details with a single app. ...I really love this app and suggest readers to give it a try.

...The app looks elegant and has some really nice graphics and animations with each action. ...it is a useful solution for everyone who wants to know more about lunar astrology. ...Overall we were impressed with the app.

...Вердикт: редко попадается приложение, которое можно назвать по-настоящему полным. Речь идет не о его весе и пропорциях, а количестве и качестве информации в нем. А если это все умножить на весьма продвинутую систему интерфейса и красивую стилистику оформления, то выйдет почти идеал. Почему почти? Тематика является узкой специализированной, но для тех, кто хотел знать все о луне, но боялся спросить, будет настоящим откровением. Русский язык в комплекте, не пропустите.
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